Bitterness eats away at us and is damaging to our health; both physically and emotionally. The ability to move on is at the point that we accept the need to change and accept our responsibility in this aspect. No matter how damaging the situation has been and how vulnerable or exploited we may feel, the […]
Category Archives: Blog
Christmas for Blended Families
Organising Christmas is big task for all families and for those of us managing blended families (one in three) we have extra dimensions that need to considered when trying to make it a positive time for our children. Consider some of the following suggestions; Come together as a family and decide what you would all […]
Reflecting on the Year
The close of another year prompts many of us to be reflective of the past twelve months. Sometimes this leads us to feel low about the things we have not achieved and we mourn the loss of another year.This year when you reflect, try to focus on the things you have done well and achieved […]
Walk and Talk Therapy
We are so busy in our lives with family, work, money and many different issues that through walk and talk we can step out into nature and something changes within us. Even though our story might be difficult or painful there is a positivity with being outside that can allow us to connect with that […]
The benefits of the arts, play and creativity in children’s development
It is said that the human brain consists of 2 parts, the left and the right hemisphere. The left brain is used in logical thinking and analytical processes. The right brain is used in emotional perception, intuition and creativity. It is the right brain that is mainly used when a person is involved in creative […]
Grumpy children as the school term is ending?
Only a couple of weeks until the school holiday, and lots of households have spoken of tired and grumpy children. When your child walks through the door, exhausted from the day at school, the first thing they may demand is “I’m hungry”, or as the kids bump into each other, an instant fight breaks out. […]
Learning to Wait: Teaching Children Patience
One of the most valuable lessons in life We spend a lot of our lives waiting: Waiting in the school line, waiting in a doctor’s surgery, waiting for dinnertime, bedtime, the kettle to boil……….However, waiting is not a skill that comes naturally, it is a skill that is learnt through developing patience. We live in […]
The best way to raise a concern with a parent or a teacher
So, a common problem for parents is that they struggle to have an effective conversation with a teacher; and a common problem for teachers is the struggle to have an effective conversation with a parent.As a Qualified Teacher and a Qualified Family Social Worker, as well as being a parent to 4 children, I am […]
Sensory Concerns and the Fight/Flight Response
Sensory processing disorders are becoming more commonly understood within the field of education and more familiar to parents. Children with sensory issues can become overloaded with sensory stimulation or the need for sensory input. Examples of overload range from the clothing labels that can drive children with sensory issues mad, the child shying away from […]